Sunday, February 27, 2005

3 Yeunglings, 2 Captian & Cokes, & 1 Guinness

We went to an Irish pub type place last night called Mullaney's Harp & Fiddle. I've never been to an Irish influenced place before. I had an uneasy feeling at first. I felt as if I were the only non-Irish patron until I saw a guy who I'm fairly sure was Mexican. I could tell he was uneasy as well. I think we found comfort in knowing at least one other person there had some skin pigment.

The 'Wild Geese' were playing when we got there. I believe they are a regular fixture at the Harp & Fiddle, and they did in fact have a Harp & Fiddle in the band. It was fantastic hearing Irish folk songs. I must admit that I am a stranger to that music and it was a great experience. There is a lot of passion and history in those songs. You could definitely feel the emotion from the audience through the dancing and the Guinness.

We walked up to the bar and all ordered a Guinness. I felt I was standing out well enough on my own not to have something else separating me. I enjoy Guinness every once in awhile and I had two last evening. I must say that after the second I my stomach felt like I had just eaten a large quantity of steak. As I ordered the second round for everyone I was instructed to put it on my friends tab. So I walk up and order and tell the bartender put it on O'Donnell. One of the other patrons looked at me and said 'Yeah, right,' then I replied back jokingly, 'I figure someone here has got to have that name.' The bartender laughed and went to charge the tab without asking for the first name. Later on my other friend goes up and does the same. Again, not thinking anything about requiring a first name and brings back another round. Our O'Donnell goes to close his tab before we leave as he gets his card back and signs the bill and doesn't seem to realize that we've only been charged for one round of drinks. When he discovers that our bill was only $15 we quickly grab our things and exit. So I'd like to thank the other O'Donnell who paid for 3 Yeunglings, 2 Captain and Cokes, & 1 Guinness. May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.


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