She Came In Through The Bathroom Window...
Usually I journey on the bus with my head apostrophed with headphones.

I decided to go sans music yesterday just to look around and to see if I could gain any comfort in the faces of my fellow travelers. For the most part everyone sits in silence. Some are in a gentle slumber. They jar themselves awake every so often wondering if they've missed their stop. Others sit staring blankly out the window at the fleeting trees and houses that quickly pass. Some read trying hard not to lose their concentration on the book or newspaper in front of them. Others sit, like me, with their earbuds in listening to whatever their iPod decides to play for them.
I saw the distractions we've created to block out one another. To keep us a safe distance away so we don't have to think or feel or interact with anyone, including ourselves. Isolation becomes our only friend.

I decided to go sans music yesterday just to look around and to see if I could gain any comfort in the faces of my fellow travelers. For the most part everyone sits in silence. Some are in a gentle slumber. They jar themselves awake every so often wondering if they've missed their stop. Others sit staring blankly out the window at the fleeting trees and houses that quickly pass. Some read trying hard not to lose their concentration on the book or newspaper in front of them. Others sit, like me, with their earbuds in listening to whatever their iPod decides to play for them.
I saw the distractions we've created to block out one another. To keep us a safe distance away so we don't have to think or feel or interact with anyone, including ourselves. Isolation becomes our only friend.
...and the cell phone, as bob and I were discussing yesterday, is the ultimate in isolating tools. when you're on the phone in public, you're saying, "I'm not here, I'm somewhere else much more important, so don't bother me".
it's obnoxious. truly.
much to my relief I only ride the bus for about 20 minutes a day so my exposure to buspeople is limited. how I did that job for so long is beyond me.
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