Monday, March 07, 2005

All The Lazy Days Are Gone

Yesterday was quite productive being the day of rest and all. I managed to frustrate myself almost regularly throughout the day dealing with wireless technology. I struggled trying to set up some sort of range expander for my wireless network. I feel that I have a mild to moderate knowledge of machines and the inner workings of electronics yet I still could not get the damn thing to work. How are people with no knowledge of these things whatsoever going to get them working when all the instructions they get at the store are just plug it in and it should work. The operative word there is SHOULD. I don't want a should. After hours of the device deciding to work and then not work for no apparent reason. I decided to box it back up and return it. I don't want to hug electronics and speak kind words to encourage them to work. I don't want the machine to decided whether or not it wants to work. I've said several times to several people that you must be smarter than the machine to operate the machine. I feel that still applies here, I am smarter because I am going to return the machine and get my money back.


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