I was refueling my Dodge Spirit today at Shell. I read today that Shell is supplied by the many oil exporters in the Middle East. I can't help it, Shell is the only gas that doesn't make my engine chug. It's hard to keep my 10 year old engine running smoothly enough as it is. After 135,000 miles I have to stick with what works. I apologize to America for my treason.
While I was getting gas I saw a middle aged woman pull up to the pump across from me. She got out. Swore. Got back in. Turned her car around. Apparently her fuel door had been secretly moved to the other side of the car since the last time she drove. Sneaky vandals.
I don't fault her. Several factors could have tore at her mind at the time. It might not even be her car. I have to say that I was proud to see her so effortlessly get in the car, and turn it around. Too many times I've seen someone get out of the car, swear, get back in, and pull away. They don't even bother getting gas. They figure that they've been defeated by the gas station and they will try back another time. For those that don't get totally flustered and drive away sad and beaten, they generally need a crew of NASA engineers to figure out how to turn the car around to get the pump to line up with the fuel door.
While I was getting gas I saw a middle aged woman pull up to the pump across from me. She got out. Swore. Got back in. Turned her car around. Apparently her fuel door had been secretly moved to the other side of the car since the last time she drove. Sneaky vandals.
I don't fault her. Several factors could have tore at her mind at the time. It might not even be her car. I have to say that I was proud to see her so effortlessly get in the car, and turn it around. Too many times I've seen someone get out of the car, swear, get back in, and pull away. They don't even bother getting gas. They figure that they've been defeated by the gas station and they will try back another time. For those that don't get totally flustered and drive away sad and beaten, they generally need a crew of NASA engineers to figure out how to turn the car around to get the pump to line up with the fuel door.

Dear Lil Ray,
I adored your NASA fact, I'm lovin all your writings and thoughts. I loved you before you could tie your shoes. Remember when you said you would marry me...wassup?
Linda "Harper" Davis
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