Queen Heroine
I tested cables for 45 minutes tonight.

After that fun I sat in for a mix session. We mixed a blue grass song about Bi-Polar Disorder. It was nice to be back in the studio again, seemingly apart of it all. I didn't really do anything besides listen and make suggestions but it still felt nice.

I had a tremendous fight with Emily Saturday night. Well, Emily's friends to be specific. She enlisted their help to play the role of heros. This is the second time she has intentionally gone out of her way to try and hurt me because of my new found happiness. Her name to me is just another word.

After that fun I sat in for a mix session. We mixed a blue grass song about Bi-Polar Disorder. It was nice to be back in the studio again, seemingly apart of it all. I didn't really do anything besides listen and make suggestions but it still felt nice.

I had a tremendous fight with Emily Saturday night. Well, Emily's friends to be specific. She enlisted their help to play the role of heros. This is the second time she has intentionally gone out of her way to try and hurt me because of my new found happiness. Her name to me is just another word.
beware that one and especially her friends, they are a dangerous and heartless group that tear men to shreads and move on to the next victim.
I agree.
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