Thursday, March 17, 2005

Wings & Wal-Mart

I went to Wal-Mart the other night. It was an unpleasant experience as a whole. The person who asked me along seemed to be very uninterested that I was there, bring the question to mind, 'Why was I asked to join in your pilgrimage?' Since those questions get me in trouble I chose to keep my question in my mind.

I dislike Wal-Mart very much. The vastness of it makes me miserable as soon as I walk in. Once I enter I feel as though I'm bombarded with shapes and colors, sounds and smells. My mind can't focus on everything so it just turns in on itself until I leave. While wandering around this vast warehouse of soullessness I began seeing the faces of all the shiftless employees and the patrons. Everyone I saw seemed to look precisely how I was feeling. Another observation I made was that the majority of the population were couples. Husbands, fiances, or boyfriends being led around the store like children in search of a 500 pack cotton balls and Nylon camping chairs. My quest was a similar one. I was taken around the store to find St. Patrick's Day tights. They of course had to be the perfect shade of green, which apparently doesn't exist. When the green tights were unavailable I made the suggestion of buying white tights and dying them. A semi smart move on my part, for then we needed to search for the perfect green dye. The dye, like the green tights, didn't exist. We then left, half of us had our hopes dashed and evening ruined by the lack of St. Patrick's Dayness and the other half was happy to be rid the soulless building. I've ridden down the river styx and seen what lies upon the shore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Walmart too, but it would have all come together if your party did get white tights, dye them, where them, take them off and have green legs. Now that would have been a little bit of payback haha

3/18/2005 8:40 AM  

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