Where Does It Go?

There is no clear definition. I have several types myself. The old friends, the new friends, the used to be friends, the pretend friends, and the don't have time for me friends. As we go along in this world and accomplish things on our own some of us begin to forget how we got there in the first place. Who was there with us? Who do we really trust? Who got us through the tough times? Who did we celebrate the good times with? Who gets to know everything?
How do we bridge the separation between old friends and new friends? How are some people able to turn their backs on old friends? How can someone mean the world to you one minute and then not even be a faint whisper in your mind the next?
So it goes.

There is no clear definition. I have several types myself. The old friends, the new friends, the used to be friends, the pretend friends, and the don't have time for me friends. As we go along in this world and accomplish things on our own some of us begin to forget how we got there in the first place. Who was there with us? Who do we really trust? Who got us through the tough times? Who did we celebrate the good times with? Who gets to know everything?
How do we bridge the separation between old friends and new friends? How are some people able to turn their backs on old friends? How can someone mean the world to you one minute and then not even be a faint whisper in your mind the next?
So it goes.
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