You Shan't III
Perhaps I championed the 'religious' side to my arguments too much.

What I was getting at was that it is a matter of respect. I feel our country as a whole can do a little in the respect department. I'm not championing other religions taking over the 'Holiday Season.' I'm also not condemning Christians for having the majority in the country. I'm just saying that I don't think it would truly ruin anyones day or violate anyone's religious freedom to say 'Happy Holidays' over 'Happy Kwanzaa.'

I don't feel that it is a violation of freedom of religion or freedom of speech. My argument was for a respect of diversity and trying a little harder to accept everyone. Be excellent to each other.

What I was getting at was that it is a matter of respect. I feel our country as a whole can do a little in the respect department. I'm not championing other religions taking over the 'Holiday Season.' I'm also not condemning Christians for having the majority in the country. I'm just saying that I don't think it would truly ruin anyones day or violate anyone's religious freedom to say 'Happy Holidays' over 'Happy Kwanzaa.'

I don't feel that it is a violation of freedom of religion or freedom of speech. My argument was for a respect of diversity and trying a little harder to accept everyone. Be excellent to each other.
I accept everyone, and I have studied other religions and have come to my conclusion in life about all that. The problem I have with the whole Merry Christmas thing is that we wouldn't have Christmas if it weren't for Christ. It is our Holiday. That is what corporate America is taking away from us. Christians are the ones that don't feel accepted, everyone else should feel fine, everyone else gets to hang any decoration for Hanukkah and Kwanzaa or whatever holiday they celebrate. I as a Christian respect other people and their religious beliefs because that's what Christ would have done. Christ hung out the worst of the worst, prostitutes, thieves, murderers and showed them love. I won't hate someone because they say happy holidays, but it is our Christmas that started it all and I think it's time for everyone else to show us love and give it back. Everyone gets their way, everyone gets "their holiday" but Christians who started it all get the boot. I hate to sound preachy but we Christians no longer have freedom. That's all I have to say, this is only my opinion, I hope I didn't offend anyone, I don't mean to. Love you all.
Peace on Earth and Merry Christmas,
Eric: I wonder how Jesus feels about you supporting the largest corporation in the world, a company that is agressively anti-union, outsources the bulk of its product as well as tremendous amounts of labor (often in terrible working conditions), pays its employees 25% less than what its competitors pay (well below union minimums and the federal poverty line), offers health plans that most of its employess can't afford or are not eligible for (forcing them to turn to federal and state assistance, which costs taxpayers), sexually discriminates, contributes heavily to urban sprawl, devastates local economies and destroys pre-existing businesses... just because "they are the cheapest". Can you really validate the direct support of all of these practices because it costs YOU less?
Everytime you open your wallet, every nickel you spend, is a choice. Those choices have global impacts, many of which are not immediately seen. Instead of looking out for yourself and your bank account, take a step back, or better yet many steps, and look for the greater picture, try to understand how your money travels. Who benefits? Who loses? Of all of those choices, which are most important? Are cheaper socks truly worth it if it means continued suffering and oppression for others, perhaps for someone who has never had the luxury of a pair of socks? Does the CEO of Wal-Mart need another wing on his mansion if it means that the single mothers he employs can't afford to feed their kids? Do you mind that the first priority of any publicly traded corporation is not you, the consumer, nor its employees, nor the quality of its goods, but to make profit for its shareholders (they call it "fiscal responsibility")?
Where would Jesus shop?
It can be difficult to wade through the shit these days, but with such a wealth of information available to consumers, there's no excuse for ignorance. Educate yourself:
Merry Christmas. And when I say that, I mean take the teachings of Christ and apply them globally. Look beyond your immediate sphere and think about the faces you've never seen. Live simply, that others may simply live.
Raymie: I love you. Come see me in Boston.
Joshua: Me not shopping at Wal-Mart will not affect anything. I am not even going to get into how ridiculous that is. I save money to do my mission in my life. I give money to my church, and I also give a lot to other organizations. I have been to Mexico, I have seen the faces, I built houses for them, please do not criticize someone you don't even know. Am I perfect? HA, no.
"Merry Christmas. And when I say that, I mean take the teachings of Christ and apply them globally. Look beyond your immediate sphere and think about the faces you've never seen. Live simply, that others may simply live."
If you are taking the teachings of Christ, Christ wouldn't swear, so don't use the "S" word if you are going to promote our Savior.
Eric: Let me begin by making it clear that I do not consider myself Christian. In my arguments against Wal-Mart, I referenced the possible perspective of Jesus in an effort to draw you closer to Wal-Mart's realities via a belief system that is obviously important to you. When I said "take the teachings of Christ" I was speaking directly to you as a Christian, not preaching from my soapbox. I should have made that clear. That said, it should come as no surprise to you that I see the concept of swearing (as in "the 'S' word") as entirely man-made. But I digress.
I respect your commitment to your church and other organizations, and I commend your efforts for those less fortunate. I also apologize for the presumptive tones in my writing. But I don't quite understand how you can disconnect your faith as a Christian from your responsibilities as a consumer. How does not shopping at Wal-Mart not affect anything? Can we then conclude that withdrawing monetary support from a monster that feeds on money will not change anything? Do you find it at all counter-productive to save money for the benefit of others by giving it to a company that directly opposes your efforts? Please, enlighten me. I would love to hear why this is "ridiculous".
OK I will answer this. "Swearing" is man made, the words are man made, but the Bible tells us not to curse at others and it also teaches us to respect others, and swearing can and is disrespectful to some. I used to swear, and I now hold my tongue, sometimes yes I admit it is hard, but it's worth the respect.
Wal-mart: I can see your point as Wal-mart not being the best place to shop. I thank you for the apology, it means a lot. The thing is, is that we do not live in a perfect world and we never will as long as there is evil here. I can only wish that I always know exactly where my money is going. If I buy a pair of Nike shoes it could be funding a sweat shop. I do not buy Nike shoes because they are uncomfortable. Wal-mart usually has the best prices. If I followed the philosophy of not buying things by huge corporate monsters I would be wearing sheets for cloths and walking around bare foot. Which might not be a bad idea because then another huge monster, McDonald's, would not serve me, forcing me to boycott them. Sorry I have a dark sense of humor sometimes, don't mean to make fun of people suffering. What it all boils down to is my opinion. I truly believe that I am doing the best I can right now in my life. If I shop anywhere to buy anything I will never know exactly where my money goes so why should it matter where I buy it from? If I stopped shopping at Wal-mart, nothing would happen, they'd still put on their "Yes, we're open" sign tomorrow.
You sound like a sweet guy Joshua, and maybe someday we could sit down and talk. I am glad you have made your points, but on some level I must disagree. I hope you and your family have Blessed and Merry Christmas man.
Hows this for a list of diverse holiday greatings?
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